There are cases that even by pressing and holding the “WPS/RESET” button for quite a long time won’t be able to reset the device to its factory default settings. Sometimes, there are issues in resetting a TP Link range extender.
Related Topic: How to Convert a Laptop Hard Drive Into an External Hard Drive Method 2: Using the Range Extenders Management Page You can also make use of the configuration file, but that is only possible if you have backed it up before the reset. Once you use the hard reset to reboot the TP Link extender to its factory default settings, you will then have to reconfigure the range extender from scratch. Sit back and wait for the TP Link range extender to reset to its factory default settings.Once the System LED light is flashing in quick successions, you can now release the button.Pressing and holding it for about five seconds will enable the range extender to use WPS function while pressing and holding it for 8 to 10 seconds will reset the range extender. The “WPS/RESET” button usually works in two ways. There are other devices that require you to hold the button for at least 10 seconds.

Hold it for about 8 seconds or until you can see the System LED light transition from quick flashing to slow flashing.Press and hold the “WPS/RESET” button of your TP Link range extender.You can do this with the TP Link range extender powered on.

It makes use of the “WPS/RESET” button you can usually find at the front, back, or side panel of the range extender. The TP-Link extender features a “WPS/RESET” button, which is a button that can be used to reset the TP Link Wi-Fi extender or restore the device to its default factory settings. The first method and the most common way you can reset your TP Link Wi-Fi extender is to make use of its “WPS/RESET” button. Method 1: Hard Reset of a TP Link Wi-Fi Extender This article will give you a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how you can reset your TP Link Wi-Fi extender. In resetting the TP Link Wi-Fi extender to its factory default settings, there are two methods to choose from. When this happens, you will most probably have to reset your TP Link Wi-Fi extender to its factory default settings. Forgot your TP Link range extender password? Perhaps, you cannot log in to your device’s web-based configuration because you forgot vital information like your username and password?